Just my opinion here,(I am a certified W-EMT-B multiple first aid classes etc.) My father is a surgeon, and I have been attending wilderness medicine conferences for well over five years, what I am about to say reflects many of the opinions of what these guys are saying at the conferences; DUCT TAPE
I am a big fan of just duct tape, or even really high quality athletic tape, and here's why. First aid kits come with all kinds of jargon, bandaids, blister pads, tylenol, blood clotting agents, gauze, "sterile" wipes tweezers and bandaids, tourniquets, bee sting kits (ive never seen a bee at 10,000' in winter, have you?) sissy scissors (just use your multi tool) bla bla bla. But honestly, what can any of these accomplish that duct tape can't? How often do you use that shit? How often is it destroyed when you actually need it? (we witnessed a perfect example with the OP), and how much money is wasted on it? Chances are it will all go unused, serves only 1 purpose, and until it is needed it will degrade and fall apart in your pack. Furthermore, 90% of the price you paid probably went to the packaging or case. The rest is just fancy toilet paper. I've never seen a first aid kit remain new and un-damaged from being carried around for a season. It's gonna get soiled if you take it with you. That means your "sterile" guaze isn't really that clean anymore, neither are your shears etc. You're only as clean as your dirtiest item and it's pointless to worry about being "sterile" when you are mere hours from rescue. Our bodies can handle a lot, and the riggors and hazards of a day in the BC can easily be met, and dealt with in the bc with duct tape.
Look at items that you actually need, and then sort through what might be luxury. Ibuprofin might be nice for a headache, but it won't make the difference between getting out or staying the night. Its simply comfort related. We are in the mtns, if you want comfort go rent a suite at the Holiday Inn. Regular grade bandages are junk, fall off if wet at all, and have limited coverage anyways. Any cut small enough for a bandaid probably isn't serious enough to get ansy about, if it is use duct tape. You shouldn't have to worry about any horrible bacteria environments in the BC, and if you are planning on leaving within a day, there isn't enough time for a huge infection to start either. DO you wash you're hands after taking a piss in the woods? I don't either and I haven't gotten sick yet, chances are it won't hurt the guy you're helping. Cleaning the wound off would be great, but clean water will do just about as much good as saline, which is all they'll use in the E.R. anyway. It's not like you are going to wipe to wound out with an alcohol pad, so why carry one? I'm not super concerned about transmitted diseases because I know most of my pals pretty well, their habits and history, that might be of importance if you're sketched out, but chances are if someone gushing enough blood out there to get on you, you will be far more concerned with stopping it and rubber gloves won't do much to keep yourself isolated anyway. This may sound selfish, but I carry what I need for me and my group only, I'm not taking care of the rest of the hooligans out there. I'll stop and provide as much assistance to a person in need as I can, but I'm not lugging around stuff JUST for them and some scenario that happens once every ten years.
Duct tape can be used for splints, slings, repairs, tourniquets, blisters, face mask barrier for mouth to mouth, you name it. And its better at those jobs than any of the specific commercially sold items with one purpose. If you are desperate for something to soak up blood with use extra clothing or a handkerchief. Most of us will be carrying an extra layer around anyways so use that, with duct tape. Don't worry about getting cold cuz you're probably working you ass off to get yourselves out (unless this is a remote multi day thing) The only exception is pain killers, but lets be honest, if some dude busted his femur out there I really doubt a few soggy ibuprofen will make a difference(unless the entire bottle is ingested) you're better off getting your hands on a bit more powerful potion or you may as well not carry anything... Even duc-tape can be fashioned into something to bite onto, hell, if they don't shut up, put some over their mouth.
Please keep in mind that if you are really remote then its a whole other ball game, but I haven't ever had the need for anything other than duct tape. I can't really foresee a situation where I wouldn't need it. Also remember that prevention is the best medicine, smart thinking and practice eliminates accidents (shit can still happen) and when it does you've got duct tape. Knowing who you are with and their needs is also important, and you should adjust accordingly. The strongest selling point in all this is duc tape has multiple uses, it's also capable of assisting in fashioning a shelter, and repairing broken gear ie: torn coats, zippers, broken boot buckles etc. It will get you out of there. I heard glucose mentioned, but can't a pack of gu energy gel double?
Once you start adding things to cover every scenario you head down the endless tunnel of preparedness and you'll en up lugging around ten pounds of supplies. If you're like me you'll know that carrying a ton of crap around isn't fun, especially stuff that you'll more than likely not use. Do yourself a favor, ditch the first aid kit and invest in a roll of duc tape.
I am a big fan of just duct tape, or even really high quality athletic tape, and here's why. First aid kits come with all kinds of jargon, bandaids, blister pads, tylenol, blood clotting agents, gauze, "sterile" wipes tweezers and bandaids, tourniquets, bee sting kits (ive never seen a bee at 10,000' in winter, have you?) sissy scissors (just use your multi tool) bla bla bla. But honestly, what can any of these accomplish that duct tape can't? How often do you use that shit? How often is it destroyed when you actually need it? (we witnessed a perfect example with the OP), and how much money is wasted on it? Chances are it will all go unused, serves only 1 purpose, and until it is needed it will degrade and fall apart in your pack. Furthermore, 90% of the price you paid probably went to the packaging or case. The rest is just fancy toilet paper. I've never seen a first aid kit remain new and un-damaged from being carried around for a season. It's gonna get soiled if you take it with you. That means your "sterile" guaze isn't really that clean anymore, neither are your shears etc. You're only as clean as your dirtiest item and it's pointless to worry about being "sterile" when you are mere hours from rescue. Our bodies can handle a lot, and the riggors and hazards of a day in the BC can easily be met, and dealt with in the bc with duct tape.
Look at items that you actually need, and then sort through what might be luxury. Ibuprofin might be nice for a headache, but it won't make the difference between getting out or staying the night. Its simply comfort related. We are in the mtns, if you want comfort go rent a suite at the Holiday Inn. Regular grade bandages are junk, fall off if wet at all, and have limited coverage anyways. Any cut small enough for a bandaid probably isn't serious enough to get ansy about, if it is use duct tape. You shouldn't have to worry about any horrible bacteria environments in the BC, and if you are planning on leaving within a day, there isn't enough time for a huge infection to start either. DO you wash you're hands after taking a piss in the woods? I don't either and I haven't gotten sick yet, chances are it won't hurt the guy you're helping. Cleaning the wound off would be great, but clean water will do just about as much good as saline, which is all they'll use in the E.R. anyway. It's not like you are going to wipe to wound out with an alcohol pad, so why carry one? I'm not super concerned about transmitted diseases because I know most of my pals pretty well, their habits and history, that might be of importance if you're sketched out, but chances are if someone gushing enough blood out there to get on you, you will be far more concerned with stopping it and rubber gloves won't do much to keep yourself isolated anyway. This may sound selfish, but I carry what I need for me and my group only, I'm not taking care of the rest of the hooligans out there. I'll stop and provide as much assistance to a person in need as I can, but I'm not lugging around stuff JUST for them and some scenario that happens once every ten years.
Duct tape can be used for splints, slings, repairs, tourniquets, blisters, face mask barrier for mouth to mouth, you name it. And its better at those jobs than any of the specific commercially sold items with one purpose. If you are desperate for something to soak up blood with use extra clothing or a handkerchief. Most of us will be carrying an extra layer around anyways so use that, with duct tape. Don't worry about getting cold cuz you're probably working you ass off to get yourselves out (unless this is a remote multi day thing) The only exception is pain killers, but lets be honest, if some dude busted his femur out there I really doubt a few soggy ibuprofen will make a difference(unless the entire bottle is ingested) you're better off getting your hands on a bit more powerful potion or you may as well not carry anything... Even duc-tape can be fashioned into something to bite onto, hell, if they don't shut up, put some over their mouth.
Please keep in mind that if you are really remote then its a whole other ball game, but I haven't ever had the need for anything other than duct tape. I can't really foresee a situation where I wouldn't need it. Also remember that prevention is the best medicine, smart thinking and practice eliminates accidents (shit can still happen) and when it does you've got duct tape. Knowing who you are with and their needs is also important, and you should adjust accordingly. The strongest selling point in all this is duc tape has multiple uses, it's also capable of assisting in fashioning a shelter, and repairing broken gear ie: torn coats, zippers, broken boot buckles etc. It will get you out of there. I heard glucose mentioned, but can't a pack of gu energy gel double?
Once you start adding things to cover every scenario you head down the endless tunnel of preparedness and you'll en up lugging around ten pounds of supplies. If you're like me you'll know that carrying a ton of crap around isn't fun, especially stuff that you'll more than likely not use. Do yourself a favor, ditch the first aid kit and invest in a roll of duc tape.
I came across a thread on TGR forums asking for first aid kit advice, so i I lit into my personal beliefs about it's glorious multitude of uses. I would also point out that this doesn't apply to longer multi day trips/expeditions, nor should it be the only thing a professional guide should carry, but amongst friends and personal endeavors, it covers all the bases.
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